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Keeping Your Llamas Drama-Free

June 1, 2024

llamas have experienced a surge in popularity over the past few decades. Relatives of the alpaca and camel, these cute camelids are generally known for their docile nature. They are simple to care for and train, and their wool can be quite lucrative. They also don’t require as much space as cows and horses do. Given the numerous advantages, it’s no wonder that many small farmers and homesteaders are becoming increasingly intrigued by these adorable and endearing creatures. On the other hand, llamas can sometimes display behavior that is not as sweet and cuddly. In this article, a local Tulare County vet delves into the world of llama drama and provides valuable tips on preventing it.

Do Llamas Enjoy Being Petted?

Actually, not really. Llamas are prone to being easily startled. Many are comfortable with being petted by humans they are familiar with, and can develop a strong bond with their human companions. However, they tend to be averse to being touched on the face or head, and they are not particularly fond of hugs. They may tolerate these things, but they do not necessarily translate into affection in llama language.

It is crucial to keep in mind that llamas can become easily frightened. Similar to other animals, llamas possess an innate fight-or-flight instinct. When presented with choices, they consistently prefer flight. If flight is not an option, you may end up with an enraged llama. This is typically where the negative behavior comes into play.

Treats and praise can greatly help in building a strong bond with your wooly companions. Also, Patience is key when it comes to winning over a llama’s affection. They may take their time to determine their feelings towards you.

What Exactly Is Berserk Llama Syndrome?

Berserk Llama Syndrome is a condition observed in camelids that have been raised by humans. It can also affect alpacas.

Despite being referred to as Berserk Llama Syndrome, this condition simply describes typical llama behavior, particularly aggressive or occasionally unfavorable behavior in llamas. It is more commonly observed in unneutered males, although there are instances where females may also exhibit such behavior.

Here are some of the behaviors that can be observed:

  • Spitting
  • Screaming
  • Butting/Throwing themselves at human
  • Kicking
  • Lying Down
  • Refusing To Move
  • Release of bowels/bladder
  • Biting (Note: Llamas don’t usually bite, but it’s not unheard of.)

Why Do Llamas Spit?

Most of the time, llamas just spit at one another. This is usually about establishing herd dominance or other squabbles. Llamas usually refrain from spitting at individuals unless provoked.

You could consider this as a means of self-protection. Camelids have been known to spit at humans when they are feeling angry or threatened. It’s safe to say that getting sprayed with llama spit is far from a pleasant experience.

Are Llamas Friendlier Than Alpacas?

In general, yes. Alpacas, due to their relatively recent domestication, often have a more aloof demeanor. However, each animal has its own unique characteristics.

If you are considering the two options, it is worth noting that alpacas are noticeably smaller … but equally adorable.

How Can I Prevent BLS?

The best method is to just ensure proper handling of llamas right from the moment they are born.

One common mistake that people often make is being overly affectionate with baby llamas, known as crias, by petting and cuddling them excessively. We understand, they are incredibly adorable, and it can be difficult to resist pampering them.

That’s where the trap lies.

Excessive petting of a baby llama can lead it to perceive you as a peculiar-looking member of its own species. That sounds cute, but this will lead to complications in the future, as your wooly companion will mistakenly perceive you as another member of the herd and treat you accordingly. That’s when the kicking, screaming, and spitting can come into play.

According to certain llama experts, showing too much affection towards a cria can have negative consequences, and can even potentially result in behaviors that may eventually necessitate euthanizing the llamas.

For individuals with a background in the horse world, this can be rather perplexing, since it may contradict what they have previously learned. It is widely acknowledged that handling newborn foals is an essential aspect of responsible horsemanship. Llamas are just wired differently.

Aside from that, it is generally recommended to have your studs gelded, unless, of course, you are interested in breeding.

So How Do I Interact With A Cria?

Certainly, there is a sweet spot in the middle. For instance, you may need to bottle feed your baby llamas. It is important to strike a balance when it comes to interacting with your llamas. Avoiding any contact or interaction with them entirely can result in llamas that are not accustomed to being handled.

Effective training is crucial. Although llamas have the ability to be trained for riding or to obey basic commands, these activities are not mandatory. It is important to familiarize them with being haltered, handled, having their feet touched, and going into catch pens or chutes. This goes beyond petiquette, even if your llamas are going to be treated as pets. When dealing with a sick or injured llama, you need to be able to handle them and load them onto a trailer.

If you have no prior experience with camelids, it is highly recommended that you thoroughly research these lovable wooly animals before getting any. It’s absolutely worth your time to gain knowledge about llama communication. For example, extended eye contact can trigger certain llamas.

When it comes down to deciphering llamas, both nonverbal cues and vocalizations are important. In the context of llamas, this often involves humming.

How Can One Effectively Discipline A Llama?

Like with other animals, it is important to approach the training process with patience, consistency, and firmness. Some llamas can be effectively disciplined with a firm verbal reprimand, like a loud and stern ‘No!’ A gentle tap may be effective, but it’s important to avoid using excessive force when interacting with animals. Another option to consider is using a water gun, as this can be seen as a way of communicating with llamas by mimicking their behavior of spitting. In other words, you’re speaking their language.

Do Llamas Experience Loneliness?

Llamas are highly sociable creatures and it is essential for them to have a companion, preferably at least one other llama. Pick your pet’s buddies carefully. Unneutered males may become territorial, resulting in potential issues. Do not overcrowd them on a small farm; even though they do not require much land, they will not be comfortable without ample room.

What Does It Take To Keep Llamas Happy?

Honestly, just making sure they get proper care should be sufficient! Just like any other animals, it all begins with ensuring proper nutrition. Llamas thrive when provided with ample pasturage, although they can also consume grain or hay. Having a clean and comfortable barn or shelter, along with access to fresh water, is crucial. Ask your Tulare County veterinarian for tips.

Schedule an Appointment at Our Tulare County Animal Clinic

Do you need any information or guidance regarding llama care? Are you in search of an exceptional Tulare County veterinarian? Feel free to contact us for any veterinary care needs for your llamas. We are available to assist you!

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